Training Courses
Connect2 consulting has a number of 'out of the box', ready to be delivered courses. These are accredited through the CPD Certification service to give you that extra reassurance that your staff are receiving independently verified training.
Decision Loggist Course
The recording of decisions in a major incident or crisis are essential, especially when the decision maker is required to justify the decisions at a later date such as during a public or internal inquiry, or a criminal investigation.
Enhance your skills with our one-day course for decision loggists. Learn to effectively record decisions, ensuring clarity for future inquiries.
This training offers essential knowledge and practical techniques using best practice guidelines to ensure decisions are captured and recorded effectively.
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Incident Management and Interoperability Training for Security personnel
This two-day course is designed to equip delegates with an understanding of interoperability tools and their application in incident management.
It starts by exploring various incident levels, followed by an introduction to tools for managing information, fostering Shared Situational Awareness, decision-making, and briefing, and concludes with an emphasis on the significance of organisational learning.
Participants will have the opportunity to apply these tools and models through group activities, scenarios, and an immersive exercise that evolves throughout the day. Based on JESIP, the UK standard for interoperability, the course can be customized to meet the specific needs of individual organizations.
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Defensible Decision Making
This training course covers the key considerations and tools needed for making defensible decisions. We will identify common traps that can lead to decision inertia and explore effective risk assessment techniques to empower decision-makers in confidently making defensible choices.
Through a blend of presentations, group activities, and a tabletop exercise, this one-day course will give the participants the chance to apply these tools to a practical scenario, enhancing their understanding of their application.
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Interoperability Training
This one-day training course provides the tools and techniques needed to navigate challenges and barriers when collaborating across various agency boundaries.
We explore the different levels of incidents and the corresponding command structures for managing them.
Candidates will be introduced to the JESIP models and principles which are essential tools for developing Shared Situational Awareness, decision-making, and briefing, bringing organisations together with a common goal.
Using a combination of presentations, group work, and a tabletop exercise enables participants will apply the tools in a scenario, enhancing their understanding of their application.
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